Saturday, October 20, 2012

Checking In

"We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own."
- Ben Sweetland
Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know that everything is going well in Kpalime! Time seems to be flying by here; I can't believe it's already the third week of classes. I'm having fun getting to know the students and staff members at my school. I am teaching one 5eme English class, which I think is the equivalent to 6th or 7th grade in the United States. These are two of my students, Kpante and Iros. Contrary to their expressions, they are two very nice boys; the Togolese never smile in photos.  I'm the only teacher in my school who is learning my students' first names. Usually teachers here only use students' last names, but that would be hard for me, because some have long and complicated last names. It wasn't easy at first.... I am horrible with names, but I've now finally learned them all by heart. I was quite nervous about teaching before the school year started, but I'm starting to feel more confident. My students are awesome, and teaching is getting easier and easier with each class. 

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