Sunday, May 11, 2014

Thank You Mom

"All that I am, or hope to be, 
I owe to my angel mother." 
~Abraham Lincoln

Since this is the last Mother’s Day I will spend in Togo, I wanted to take the time to tell you all about my amazing, beautiful, unbelievably supportive Mom. She has always been my biggest cheerleader in life and these last two years are no exception. 

Ever since I got my Peace Corps nomination, she has been actively participating in this adventure I am on. She helped me go shopping, helped me pack my bags, and repack them again and again. She has sent me countless letters and a TON of packages, way more than a volunteer could possibly dream of receiving. On days when nothing seems to be going right she is only a phone call away to remind me that what I’m doing here IS incredible and to not be so hard on myself all the time. She even traveled all the way here and sacrificed being at home for her first grandson’s first Christmas to spend time with me. I’m thankful she did, because I wouldn’t have gotten through the accident in South Africa so well if it hadn’t been for her. On top of donating money, she’s donated dozens and dozens of books to my school’s library project. I really don’t know what would have happened without that help. 

I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for my wonderful Mom. She always encourages me to be who I am and to follow my bliss, and I feel like I’m doing just that. Thank you Mom, for being such a kindred spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Emily, you are so kind. I never noticed this before, but in our pic with the tree on the Hoh River our bodies form a heart! I can't wait until you are back home hiking with me again, and running the loop. In the meantime, keep following your bliss in Africa, and keep telling us your stories. Love you. ♥Mom
