Thursday, March 27, 2014

If We Build It, They Will Come

“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic;
it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”
~Colin Powell

He really wanted his picture taken

I'm so happy to announce that work on the library has begun! There was a long delay, because of my med evac home during January and February. The money finally arrived in my account last week and we got to work right away. 

double door opening
A tile floor was installed over the weekend. We also added a new window for more natural light. The door opening was widened to install large double doors. Lastly, we had carpenters come and rip out the black board, and resurface one of the walls to make it nice and smooth. 

The next step will be installing electricity. This will include four long lights on each wall and a couple of ceiling fans to improve the air flow in the room. I'm enjoying finally getting this project underway and can't wait to see what it will look like once it's finished! 

new floor and more natural light

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