Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Barbeque Bash

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, 
look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon.”
~Charles M. Schulz 

On Sunday our Country Director, Lauren Mamane, threw a BBQ for the 15 Peace Corps Volunteers who were first to finish the 2014 Annual Volunteer Survey. It was such fun, with American music, delicious food (including sushi!), and wonderful company. I was blown away! Lauren’s house is a beautiful oasis from the rest of Lome. With her air conditioning, pool, and lovely yard, I completely forgot where I was for a moment. It was great to relax and chat with friends, Lauren’s family, and a couple of expats living in Lome. There is such camaraderie and understanding within the expat community. I loved listening to their stories and found myself thinking many times “I understand EXACTLY how you feel!” I’m sure I will find this throughout my life whenever I talk to RPCVs or expats.


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